Idle Heroes

 While scrutinizing this blog or concealing in a few other Inactive Legends social class, you positively notice a lot of conventionally used shoptalk words/gathering's as for the entertainment.

What do those "HW," "PO," "HS," "HM" mean?
To new players, it is super hard to figure out the meaning of those. In this way, here is a full overview of the customarily used terms of the redirection for you.
Idle Heroes Shoptalk Words Summary
PVE: Player versus Condition (Matches in Fight, Aspen, Association Managers, Divine Islands, etc. Normally suggests Player versus PC) PVP: Player versus Player (Matches in Fields, Society Wars, etc.) CC: Gathering Control Spot: Damage After some time HOT: Retouches After some time DPS: Mischief Consistently (Turn) E3: Enabled third aspect Legend E2: Engaged second aspect Legend E1: Enabled first aspect Legend HS: Daring Calls PO: Prophet Circles HM: Valiant Wonder DD: Mischief Oversaw ToC: Trail of Managers FTA: Let loose Gathering Field CI: Magnificent Islands Rss: Resources GW: Society Wars GB: Society Boss GC: Society Coins BT: Gutsy Fundamental BS: Broken Spaces Event DB: Fiendish soul Toll Knick-knack Whale: Someone who burns through lots of money. Dolphin: Someone who spends a regular protuberance in the redirection.
KB: Ruler Barton FB: Certainty Edge HW: Heart Watcher DA: Faint Athindol DM: Das Moge IB: Iceblink DS: Beast Slayer DH: Fallen angel Searcher LB: Ruler Balrog BB: Blood Edge Disc: Remains Insidious soul Val: Valentino And anything is possible from that point! (being revived) Make sure to underneath If you want to add any word to the summary. I would extraordinarily bright to broaden so new players could get into the redirection much.


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